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    1. …in reply to @friscoangelboi
      friscoangelboi Oh I’ve a good amount of component style frameworks experience, both React and Svelte. I’m talking about building individual native web components that work regardless of framework. You can use a framework to build them, Lit being one of the big ones. But you can do vanillajs.
  1. …in reply to @colinaut
    friscoangelboi Right now I have a theme switch component that I’ve implemented using Lit and Svelte and another just using vanillajs (well actually it’s compiled TypeScript but same difference).
    1. …in reply to @colinaut
      friscoangelboi My review: VanillaJS definitely make the smallest optimized package. Svelte has the best DX, the easiest to build, and cleanest looking (precompiled) code. Lit I guess is really powerful as it’s whole focus is native web components, but it felt bloated and hard to work with.