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    1. …in reply to @IHeartFargo
      IHeartFargo I’d also add early Kickstarter to that. Before KS started going all that “how can we profit off of that 3rd web BS” it was the sauce for publishing games and finding out about new ones. It still sorta is but now the KS sauce has got a bad taste to it.
  1. …in reply to @colinaut
    IHeartFargo Honestly curious what’s up over there. We having heard anything from them about their blorkchain plans since the blorkchain market tanked. Wouldn’t be sure if they act like it never happened.
    1. …in reply to @colinaut
      IHeartFargo “We haven’t heard anything” and “Wouldn’t be surprised if they act like it didn’t happen” I mean. Ah fast typing autocorrect typos is there anything you can’t make sound dumb.