colinaut’s avatarcolinaut’s Twitter Archive—№ 32,789

  1. …in reply to @philnelson
    philnelson kscottz Personally I think it’s mainly just an effect of what content social media highlights. Hype, despair, anger, hyperbolic claims, all spread easily with engagement algorithm. I think “You don’t understand! This is ADHD!” and other “This is _____!” podium tweets feed right into this
    1. …in reply to @colinaut
      philnelson kscottz There is sometimes legitimate insight on this site but a lot of it is all hyperbolic pop psychology book cover, “this metaphor will explain everything! This hack will fix all your problems!” which gets retweets and engagement but ignores all nuance and personal differences.
      1. …in reply to @colinaut
        philnelson kscottz Though it might also just be that using Twitter inspires ADHD like mental states causing more people to fall into that attention deficit style of thinking.