When news dropped about Kickstarter using the blockchain, I was actually willing to wait and see what they were doing, give them the benefit of the doubt. This latest announcement though just makes it worse — “We’re listening!” [Narrator: “they really aren’t”] Kickstarter/1494358159443603463
…in reply to @colinaut
As others have said, none of the proposed improvements requires blockchain. All the talk on forming an advisory council and PBC is just reputation washing — “see these other people, who’s entire purpose is to make this blockchain scheme happen, say it’s a good idea too!”
…in reply to @colinaut
All this pisses me off because I have some projects I want to potentially make happen this year. I was before all this going to use Kickstarter but now I need to reconsider as I don’t necessarily want to be connected with all this bullshit.