colinaut’s avatarcolinaut’s Twitter Archive—№ 32,044

      1. …in reply to @undefined
        @llcamp Yeah. Took a bit. I had thought to make it visible by stacking coolers wrapped in shiny mylar on top the truck. We GPS marked it then headed back…
    1. …in reply to @colinaut
      @llcamp Halfway back, the motorcycle got stuck in some not-so-dry creek bed mud, but got it out. Then we hit a hard bump which knocked out the fog lamp, and blew a fuse causing the motorcycle not to restart. Thankfully he had another fuse or I’d have had to walk again, at high noon…
  1. …in reply to @colinaut
    @llcamp When we got back my other friend had wrangled up someone who had a 4x4 truck with a wench. It was easy from there on out.